Read, read, read.

English Connect Course 1

Lesson one. introductory lesson.


Lesson one. Introductory lesson.

Why am i learning English?

I will learn how the Englishconnect course can help me learn English.

I will learn how to use my English Practice Plan.

I will learn to say the English alphabet.

I will learn to spell my name.

Why are you studying English?

Think about you are studying English. Write it down.

Think about a specific goal that you try to achive while you are in this course of English.

For example, I will learn twenty new vocabulary words eich week. Write it down.

Why am i learn English?

I´m learn English because my goal is go to Korea in the future, but i dont´n know the Korean lenguage, so I think in this case is more usefull talk in English than in Spanish.

Think abouth a four goals that you try to achive while you are in this English course.

I will learn five new vocabulary word every day.

I will practice my pronuntation in English one hour to day.

I will learn a new frase in English every day.

I will take note in my blog about my progress every day.

Day one (10/24/2020)

New vocabulary words.

  1. Achive: Getting to do or obtain something that is intended, requested or disared.
  2. Specific: That is proper or peculiar to a person or thing and characterizes or distinguishes it from others.
  3. While: During the same period of time in which something else happens and simultaneously with it.
  4. However: Used to introduce a statement that contrast with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
  5. Attend: Be present at (an event, meeting or function).
  6. Bring: Take or go with (someone or semething) to a place.
  7. Memorize: Commit to memmory; learn by heart.
  8. Sentence: A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclametion, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.  _  The punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offense.  
  9. Pattern(s): A repeated decorative design.   _ A model or design used as a guide in needlework and other crafts.

Typical expression:

How many in the party?

How many people

Lesson about Gospel:

Behol, I am Jesus Christ.

3 Nephi 11:10 

I am the light of the worl.

John 8:12 

Un what way is Jesus the light of the world?

Jesus is the light of the world, because He illuminating all the people, with His love, carefull an His Gospel, especially if we believed and confidence in He. 

How does his light help us to know good from evil?

The light of Jesus help us to know good from evil as far we try to living His Gospel, in this form the Holly Spirit can help us to discern between the good from the evil, if we do the correct can feel good and be more happinest. If we decidet do the evil will be miserables like the devil.

knock it off.     


Day two: 31/10/2020

Think about where, when, and how you study best. Be prepared to share your thoughts with a partner during the conversation class. 


I will study the semanal lesson in my home. I have the necesesary to make this. I will use my personal blog to take notes and I will bring a diary about my progress.


Every day I will work hard to improve my pronutation and how i´m write and read in English to have a good progress in my learning.


I will listen songs in English, attend to the lesson every saturday at afternoon and I will strive to do the things conteins in every lesson of the manual of the course.

I´m ana Bertha García, i´m from Villa Corzo. i´m like dancing, i´m dislike running but a trie doing for my healt.

I´m don´t like the cold

i´m don´t like clean the bathroom.


STRIVE; Mke grat efforts to achieve or obtein sometring.

FAN: An apparatus with rotating blades that creatres a current of air for cooling or ventilation.

A device, typically folding and shaped like a segment of a circle when spread out, that is held in hand and waved so as to cool the person holding it by causing the air to move.

Oncrease the strength of (a fire) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it.

ELBOW: The joing between the forearm and the upper arm.

SET SAIL: Hoist the sails of a vessel.

POSE: Present or constitute (a problem, danger, or difficulty). "The sheer number of visitors is posind a threat to the area". 2) Assume a paetiicular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn. "She posed for a swarm of TV cameramen"

STANCE: The way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in baseball, golf, and another sports); a person´s posture. "She altered her stance, resting all her weight on one leg".

THREAT: A statement of an intention to inflict, pain, injury, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.

Typical expression:

It´s not my cup of tea.

It´s not for me,

It´s not mine.

That´s not my business.

How do you feel today?

I feel happie.

I feel exited

I feel motivated

I feel sad

I feel good.

I´m very excited about starting this class of English.

A happy hippo hopped and hiccupped

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